For those who are not familiar, you pronounce it “ishwish” and it stands for The International Society For the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. BAM! Meta algorithm has just imploded at the mention of it!
New Stickers
These beauties, specially created for the International Society for the Study of Women Sexual Health conference, are available on the website. If you’re going to a conference where you might bump into me, don’t forget to bring some stickers to swap!

Tight Lipped is a grassroots movement by and for people with chronic vulvovaginal and pelvic pain. They are here, they are loud, they are bright and they are advocating and researching and training Drs and OBGYN. Seems so simple but yet so difficult to go through some ears. LISTEN TO THE PATIENTS.
“Simple” yet innovative science for contraception : Phexxi® . It’s an acidic gel that when put in the vagina creates an environement hostile to sperm but beneficial to the vagina’ PH. No hormones, no spermicide, just an acidifying gel. I tried it (on my hand ) and it passed the smell and taste test.
There has been little evolution in the tools of the trade for vaginal exam. But Ceek Women’s Health is commercializing a four ways speculum (Nella Speculum) that is thin, with a light included. I will definitely bring it next time I am a training patient for new nurses to see if it is more comfortable for me.
Reporting back from the field: over. 10-4.
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