
Promoting knowledge, celebrating diversity


SEX-ED + produces pedagogical supports that contribute to a better knowledge of genital anatomies and sexual responses. It creates models that answer the needs of sexuality education and sexual health professionals.

SEX-ED + creates anatomically exact models (based on human casting) which represent the spectrum of genitalia (male, female, with voluntary or coerced surgeries, trans, etc. )

SEX-ED + aims to promote sex-positivity and a culture of consent.


Photo: Andi Galdi Vinko

Photo: Andi Galdi Vinko

Behind SEX-ED

Magaly Pirotte is an independent researcher on sexuality education and sexual / reproductive health & rights. Over the past fifteen years, she has been active in the defence of sexual health and rights as an activist and as an employee in non-profit organizations.

With SEX-ED +, she creates pedagogical supports that represent the diversity of genital anatomies. She expects this will contribute to improve medical and psycho-social training and interventions, and ultimately contribute to a better sexual health for all. She also advocates for a sexuality education that is more inclusive of the diversity of bodies, identities and experiences and centred around anti-oppressive practices.

LinkedIn Academia Research Gate

Promoting knowledge, respecting diversity

Why it is so important to know about genital anatomy? Because without words and knowledge, how can one imagine the possibilities, explore, name the pleasure and the pain, the satisfaction and dissatisfaction, whether it is with oneself or in interaction with others?

Despite the fact that sexuality is everywhere, there is a general lack of knowledge around genitalia and sexual responses, even amongst professionals. This impacts individual interactions, but also the culture around sex and consent and the quality of care and intervention some receive.

Better knowledge and awareness about genital diversity and sexual responses help decrease shame and stigma and improve sexual health for all.

SEX-ED + subscribes to the principle of bodily autonomy and respect for all, whatever their bodies, identities or experiences.

Price and accessibility

SEX-ED + pedagogical supports are cast on beautiful humans and handcrafted in high quality silicone, akin to human flesh in Montréal. They are therefore quite pricey. To improve accessibility, there is a pricing scale that is based on the average capacity to pay of each sector. That’s why a non-profit, a doctor and a university don’t pay the same price.

The project is currently working on having all the tools 3D scanned so they can be 3D printed at a lower cost. Alternatively, it is possible to register to the newsletter to access the workshop sale of imperfect material at a lower cost.

Respect and consent

Why do people accept to get their genitals covered in gooey substances in the workshop of a near stranger to contribute to the SEX-ED + project? Because they think that genital knowledge is important and they trust SEX-ED + with its approach and objectives. We are adamant about respecting our models, that’s why the anatomical supports are only sold for educative or medical contexts and each potential buyer needs to sign the terms and conditions before purchasing SEX-ED + tools.


When you buy SEX-ED + objects, chances are you will receive them …in a beautiful shoe-box. SEX-ED + manufacturing process requires the use of plastic, silicone and single use items like vinyl gloves. To compensate, SEX-ED + tries to not use additional plastic or materials, that’s why the models come into hand sewn pouches and each expedition box is re-used. It’s a drop in the ocean, but at least it’s not a plastic drop!

Worker’s rights

Most products nowadays are delivered via private delivery companies. SEX-ED + works exclusively with Canada Post. Even if it’s not a perfect employer, at least the workers are unionized, and we kind of dig the fact that people delivering our products have access to health insurance and retirement funds.

Community oriented

Since the project started, SEX-ED + has been lucky enough to have the support of academic, scientific and technical hubs like the fablabs. Sex-ed professionals have also been super helpful. The Montreal roller derby community is an ever present source of support, as well as friends and family. Thanks for everything, gang!