Welcome to the homepage of the latest SEX-ED + model! This is the first-ever gynecological model designed to be completely realistic. Cast from a lovely real person and made of lifelike silicone, it replicates the touch and feel of the human body during a gynecological exam.
Why do we need better gynecological models?
- To better train healthcare professionals, ensuring they feel ready and prepared when examining real bodies in practice.
- To improve the patient experience: Individuals with vaginas still endure painful, disrespectful, or just plain awkward gynecological exams.
- To forever eliminate the need for non-consensual gynecological exams on anesthetized hospital patients.
What’s available right now?
Simulation centers in medical schools are amazing places, with striking technology and incredibly lifelike anatomical models – except when it comes to genitalia. This area has been largely overlooked, and the genitals on anatomical models resemble those of Barbie and Ken rather than real human beings.
But genital anatomy is just as important as the anatomy of the heart or knee joints. Throughout a lifetime, these organs will need to be examined, assessed, and treated when necessary, just like any other part of the body. Proper care begins with knowledge and confidence from healthcare professionals.

Four anatomical models from simulation centers- male and female
The vagina casting adventure
Obviously, there is no book out there describing the steps necessary to cast a human vagina. However, it has been done before by researchers (Surface Area of the Human Vagina as Measured from Vinyl Polysiloxane Casts, by Paula B. Pendergrass Meyer W. Belovicz Cornelia A. Reeves, Department of Biological Sciences, Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, Arkansas, USA, 2003) and by some artists. But it has never been done with the specific goal of creating teaching materials to train medical professionals.
SEX-ED + set out to successfully cast a human vagina, with a respectful approach that upheld the model’s bodily integrity and dignity. Due to technical constraints, the casting was done in a position different from the traditional supine position used during gynecological exams. As a result, the cervix is slightly further than usual, and the vagina appears somewhat straighter—thanks to gravity! While the anatomy is completely accurate, it reflects a position not typically used during gynecological examinations.

Original vagina cast
Testing the gynecological model
SEX-ED + is all about collaborating with dedicated sexuality education and sexual health professionals, as they are the ones who work with patients daily and understand both their own needs and those of their patients. The gynecological model, prototype 1, was sent to five facilities across Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, and the USA for six months of testing in regular clinical and educational settings.
The Evaluators:
- A team of midwives in Northern Inuit communities
- A gynecologist at a university teaching hospital
- A urologist specializing in women’s health
- A team training nurses to collect medico-legal evidence after sexual assault
- A team supporting women affected by genital cutting

Dr Jasmine Abdulcadir, HUG, Geneva, with prototype 1
Data collection is still ongoing, but so far, the feedback has been as follow:
Useful to practice dexterity of speculum insertion | Not slippery enough- difficult to insert the speculum (like real life, it takes some lubricant!) | Do another model from a woman who has been cut to train physicians about detection of FGM/C |
Useful to explain anatomy and procedures to patients | The positioning of the vagina and cervix is not the same as during a gynecological exam (for technical reasons the model was in a different position during casting) | Do other models at different points of the menstrual cycle |
Gives first-hand experience to those working in sex-ed but without medical training | Unease from people of some cultural communities who are not comfortable with nudity | Do models with the different stages of dilatation during birth |
Really good for doctors and midwives in training to learn about anatomy | The vagina is more open than it would be during a gynecological exam (for technical reasons the model was in a different position during casting) | Mark the opening of the cervix with a darker colour |
Very realistic | Create a model for simulation of childbirth to show the extension of the vagina | |
Should be used to put patients at ease so they can do the exam themselves before it is done to them | ||
Do other models with a posterior cervix |
GOING FURTHER: A team of second-year medical students at a U.S. university is currently designing a scientific research to compare students’ comfort levels and reactions when using the SEX-ED + gynecological model compared with models traditionally available in medical schools.
About the gynecological model
This model was cast from a cisgender (whose gender aligns with gender assigned at birth), endosex (without known intersex traits), nulliparous (who has not given birth) woman, aged 41. It features the body in all its perfect imperfections, from the uneven internal labia to the folds of skin around the anus.
It is made of high-quality platinum silicone that mimics the texture and consistency of human flesh. The model weights 2 kg.
It features a semi-realistic skin tone, with the skin and mucous membranes in different colors, though the model is not hand- painted. A variety of skin tones is represented and randomly assigned.
The gynecological model comes with a one-year warranty. Included with the model are:
A 3D plastic cast of the vagina
A hand-cast plastic stand
Samples of water-based lube
Internal condoms and dental dams
A fabric storage bag
A plastic speculum with an integrated light
A clitoris button
The price has not yet been determined, as it will largely depend on the chosen manufacturing method.
Next steps
Currently, SEX-ED + can produce these models in small quantities. The project has chosen to focus more on developing new pedagogical supports rather than scaling up for mass production. As a result, there are now two options to consider:
- Manufacture the gynecological model locally and manage sales and customer relations (a company in Quebec has already been identified and is ready to begin production).
- Delegate production, sales, and product management to a company that specializes in anatomical models.
If you’re receiving this information, it’s because we believe you could contribute to the development of this groundbreaking tool. This is an opportunity to help bring revolutionary models to the next generation of medical professionals. Whether you’re interested in discussing the project, sponsoring it, or becoming involved in the production and distribution process, we’d love to hear from you.
CONTACT: Magaly PIROTTE – SEX-ED + / magaly@positivesexed.org / +1 514 278 8521
Let’s get this project into the hands of the medical professionals who need it, so we can contribute to better sexual health for all.

Different views- SEX-ED + Gynecological Model – Prototype 2