The dorsal nerve of the clitoris contains 10281 nerve endings This new data was presented at a scientific conference hosted in November 2022 by the SMSNA Sexual Medicine Society of North America and the ISSM International Society for Sexual Medicine . Those results are not yet published as they are... Read more →
Nov 21
Oct 10
Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève SEX-ED + presented it's models and the prototype for gynecological exam training to the gynecology and maternal health team of the hospital. We are enthousiastic and a million projects may come out of it if we can secure funding and institutional support: research paper, new models, prothesis... Read more →
Sep 20
The Journées francophones de sexologie et de santé sexuelle happened in Montpellier, France. During three days, 700 people turned up, from all fields related to sexual health. It was amazing to have access to so many professionals in one go after spending the last two years locked in the basement.... Read more →
Mar 16
Toward a positive, inclusive and emancipatory sexuality education has been a trending sentence in Québec over the last few years. Indeed, it's a great catchphrase that has been used in a diversity of contexts. It is nonetheless important to know its origins and the social/political concepts it refers to, so... Read more →
Jan 17
Think it's a thing? Well in 50% of the cases it's a myth. Despite physicians frequently caring for patients with sexual health issues, only 50% of United States medical schools require formal education in sexual medicine. Due to the lack of standardized education, medical trainees (except for Urology and OB-GYN... Read more →
Nov 19
Sex educators often don't have the time or resources to keep up to date with scientific research. But it is super important that those findings get to the people who are actually doing the day to day job. So let's get all of us nerds united to transmit snippets of... Read more →
Sep 07
COME AND CELEBRATE THE END OF SUMMER WITH FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES DURING SEX-ED + OPEN-DOOR EVENT. WHAT TO EXPECT ? Crisps, wine or water in paper glasses, super cool people and the possibility to visit the workshop and admire the original models. COVID? The event is happening outside, in the... Read more →
Jul 02
Showing the diversity of bodies in sex education A Quebec woman has taken it upon herself to make 3D molds of all different kinds of genital organs for educational purposes. Alison Brunette from the CBC radio show Quebec AM speaks with Magaly Pirotte, the founder of SEX-ED+. Aired: June 29,... Read more →
Mar 19
It's new. It's amazing. It has got everything you need and even more. SEX-ED + moulds humans to create tools for education and health professionals. If you are in this category and if you happen to talk about trans identities and trans health, your life ( and the life of... Read more →
Mar 19
Interview by Dr. Dilana Schaafsma • Associate Lector • Fontys Hogeschool Pedagogiek In deze video interviewt Dilana Schaafsma van de stichting Maand van de Leuke Seks Magaly Pirotte van over haar project waarin zij via vrijwilligers realistische afdrukken van vulva's en penissen verzameld. Zij wil met het project een... Read more →