Admire this beauty!
This is the first-ever gynecological model designed to be completely realistic. Cast from a lovely real person and made of lifelike silicone, it replicates the touch and feel of the human body during a gynecological exam.
Why do we need better gynecological models?
- To better train healthcare professionals, ensuring they feel ready and prepared when examining real bodies in practice.
- To improve the patient experience: Individuals with vaginas still endure painful, disrespectful, or just plain awkward gynecological exams.
- To forever eliminate the need for non-consensual gynecological exams on anesthetized hospital patients.
What’s available right now?
Simulation centers in medical schools are amazing places, with striking technology and incredibly lifelike anatomical models – except when it comes to genitalia. This area has been largely overlooked, and the genitals on anatomical models resemble those of Barbie and Ken rather than real human beings.
But genital anatomy is just as important as the anatomy of the heart or knee joints. Throughout a lifetime, these organs will need to be examined, assessed, and treated when necessary, just like any other part of the body. Proper care begins with knowledge and confidence from healthcare professionals.

Four anatomical models from simulation centers- male and female
The vagina casting adventure
Obviously, there is no book out there describing the steps necessary to cast a human vagina. However, it has been done before by researchers (Surface Area of the Human Vagina as Measured from Vinyl Polysiloxane Casts, by Paula B. Pendergrass Meyer W. Belovicz Cornelia A. Reeves, Department of Biological Sciences, Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, Arkansas, USA, 2003) and by some artists. But it has never been done with the specific goal of creating teaching materials to train medical professionals.
SEX-ED + set out to successfully cast a human vagina, with a respectful approach that upheld the model’s bodily integrity and dignity. Due to technical constraints, the casting was done in a position different from the traditional supine position used during gynecological exams. As a result, the cervix is slightly further than usual, and the vagina appears somewhat straighter—thanks to gravity! Still, the anatomy is completely accurate!
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